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What is TCP IP CCNA?

CCNA English-03: TCP / IP


TCP / IP is a protocol suite for Internet usage. Two protocols are named in this protocol suite. These two protocols are Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) and Internet Protocol (IP). TCP is used for connection-oriented reliable transmission services, and IP is used to determine the address of each host on that network.


What is TCP?

TCP is the transmission control protocol. It creates a connection through a connection-oriented signal.

Let's talk about IP 6.


What is IP?

The TCP / IP network is assigned a number to each host. This number is the IP which is 32 bits. These 32 bits, 6 bits are divided into 4 parts.


The IPs are divided into 5 sections


  • 1. In-class
  • 2. Class-B
  • 3. Class-C
  • 4. Class-D
  • 5. Class-E


In class

Net             Host         Host             Host

৮ bit          ৮ bit         ৮ bit            ৮ bit

Start: 0

End: 128

The first bit of the IP address which is zero (0) belongs to class A. In the case of such IP, the first 8-bit network ID, and the remaining 24-bit host ID.

If the number of network IDs is less and the number of host IDs is more, then we will select the IP of the class.


Net          Net          Host           Host

৮ bit       ৮ bit        ৮ bit          ৮ bit

Start: 128

End: 191

The value of the first two bits of the IP address of this class will be 10. In the case of such IP, the first 16-bit network ID, and the remaining 16-bit host ID.

If the number of network IDs is required as well as the number of host IDs, then we will select the IP of class B.


Net              net              net               host

৮ bit           ৮ bit           ৮ bit            ৮ bit

Start: 192

End: 223

The value of the first three bits of the IP address of this class will be 110. In the case of such IP, the first 24-bit network ID, and the remaining 8-bit host ID.

If the number of network IDs is more and the number of host IDs is less then we will select the IP of class-C.


This is a special type of class called multicast network. This type of IP is used to locate all routers on a host network. This class is from 224 to 239.



IPs in this class are usually used for scientific research. This class is from 240 to 255.


One thing to know is IP but there are two types.

1) Private IP

2) Public IP


This is the range of private IP

In case of class A - to

In the case of Class B- to

In the case of class C- to


Besides, the rest of the IPs are public IPs.

Finally, the TCP / IP model works with the layers. That is

4. Application

3. Transport

2. Internet

1. Network interface

I am ending here like today. Our next lecture is on IP subnetting.

CCNA English-04: Class-C subnetting


The process of dividing large networks into smaller networks is called subnetting.

The thing to keep in mind while subnetting is this

128                 192               224               240               248            252          254           255

1                     2                   3                    4                  5                6              7                8


Any subnetting is possible with this section in mind.

Why this subnetting?

By creating smaller networks (instead of larger networks), we can achieve better security, less collation and broadcast domains, and greater administrative control over each network.

Let's try to give an example

There is no block in a city just a long road. Now if the postmen want to give a letter to a person named Karim Saheb then that will be the problem. There may be many people named Karim on this street. But if there are many blocks on this road, then Mr. Karim can easily find out which block.

This is the same scenario with an IP. By creating smaller networks, we can get information about each host more efficiently.

Class-C subnetting:

We already know the first 24-bit network ID of class C and the remaining 8-bit host ID. If the number of network IDs is more and the number of host IDs is less then we will select the IP of class-C.


A C-class network is described below:

[The number of networks here is how many networks will be, how many hosts will be hosts and how many subnets will be subnet ID.]

This is usually on the interview board (

Tell me with a block how many networks there are and how many hosts there are in each network.

Since we see the network and understand the C class network then 24 bit is being used for the network. Since / 26 then / 24 bits are subtracted then 4 bits. According to the above section then it is 240. This is the subnet mask.

Let's look at the whole practical

Network number = 24 = 16

Number of hosts = 24-2 = 14

Subnet ID = 256-240 = 16

[Network here means a network, the first host is the first host address, the last host is the previous address of the broadcast address and the broadcast address is the previous address of the next network.]




** Question **

Now if the question is which usable host address?





Again, the question is which network address?






Another thing you need to know is this

The network commonly used for point-to-point connections is:

Network number = 26 = 64

Number of hosts = 22-2 = 2

Subnet ID = 256-252 = 4

C class subnetting like today is ending here.

CCNA English-05: Class-B Subnetting

Remember the Class B subnetting Mina cartoon? With egg sharing. This means that Raju needs to eat eggs like Minar and he needs to eat such eggs. In the case of networking also, although both the number of host IPs and the number of network IPs are required, then we will select class-B. Let's see how to subnet Class B. When subnetting a Class B address, keep in mind that the first two octets of 16 bits in the mask must be 1. That means the first 16 bits are the network and the next 16 bits are the host ID. The default subnet mask for Class B is In the case of class B, we do subnet with a bit on.

128               192         224         240             248              252           254             255

1                    2             3            4                  5                  6               7                  8 Network Number = 21 = 2 Number of Hosts = 215-2 = 326 Subnet ID = 256-128 = 128

Network-1                                   Network-2          

First Host                                     First Host           



Last Host                             Last Host            

Broadcast Address                      Broadcast Address

Again in the case of class B, I do subnetting by turning on two bits. Network Number = 22 = 4 Number of Hosts = 214-2 = 16372 Subnet ID = 256-192 = 64

Network-1                                 Network-2             

First Host                                   First Host              



Last Host                             Last Host               

Broadcast Address                    Broadcast Address 


Network-3                                             Network-4             

First Host                                              First Host               



Last Host                                          Last Host                

Broadcast Address                           Broadcast Address  

Now let's see what kind of questions are in the test. You will be asked with such a block. How much is its subnet mask? 2. What is the block size? 3. What is its network address? 4. What is its broadcast address? 

5. Which is the first usable address? 

Which is the last usable address? 

Which is the next network address?

How many usable addresses are there? 

9. Is it a host, network, or broadcast address? 

The answers are 1. How much is its subnet mask? 

We know that the default prefix for class-B is / 16. There are extra bits here (22-16) = 8. We know another information that 126-192-224-240-247-252-254-255 Since there are 8 bits extra, the value of the 8th bit will be -252 then the subnet mask is- 2. 

What is the block size? 

We will subtract any block size from 256 and subtract the last value we get. .17.6.0 / 22 ​​ ​​ ​​The network that has been given to us is 162-18-18-0 to 182 .16.19.255. 3. 

What is its network address? ​​4. What is its broadcast address? since the next network- / 22 5. 

Which is the first usable address? 6. Which is the last usable address? 6. Which is the next network address? 

Next network - / 22 6. How many usable addresses are there? 

2 ^ 10 = 1024-2 = 1022 3. Is it a host, network, or broadcast address? 

The host is ending here like today.

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